Friday, August 11, 2006

New painting!

Key to Africa, Acrylic on paper and board, 2006

I have been working extensively with watercolour for about five years now. Fairly recently I was asked to produce some pieces for my show in the Open Eye Gallery which could go in their windows. Not wanting to put watercolours under strong light I decided to do a few acrylic. This prompted me to think again about process and subject matter and how I could utilize the benefits afforded to me through using this durable medium.

The results have so far been pretty interesting, although how they will sit with the rest of my show I am not sure. How the Gallery and buyers view these pieces will also be very interesting.

Here is the first piece now completed. The key in the centre is an item bartered for in the souks of Marrakech. If you like let me know what you think.