"Shed some light"- watercolour 2010
My new website is now up and running. For the eagle eyed amongst you, you will have noticed an address change. There is now a new web address and once the transition period is over, my previous address will take you to this site also. Hopefully you will also notice that its faster and less 'clunky' than the last one. Lots more images and a shop facility which uses paypal. If you come across something you like, let me know. Your feedback would be appreciated. I shall be adding galleries which will be grouped in terms of subject, but for the moment I decided to keep it nice and simple; work which is available to purchase and archive pieces. If you think something is missing, let me know. Anything you would like to see?
Hopefully this website will shed some light on what I've been up to recently.
There are lots of exciting things on the cards. The next couple of years are going to be extremely busy, hopefully very productive and very interesting!!!
Looking forward to it.